Weber (New York) Piano History
Founded by Albert Weber in 1852, the Weber New York piano company was a renowned piano manufacturer of its day. They were known for their full line of instruments, including their pianos. Despite the crippling effect of the Great Depression, the Weber piano company stayed in business and continued to flourish throughout the twentieth century.[1]
Weber pianos were built with some of the most expensive and best materials available at the time. They were marketed to the wealthiest Americans and professional pianists in this early Golden Era of piano history. By the late 19th Century, Weber was building some of the most expensive and elaborate pianos available in the industry. [1] [2]
In 1903, Weber became part of the Aeolian Piano Company, which later became the Aeolian-American Corporation in the 1930s. Aeolian went out of business in the 1980s, at which time the Weber brand name was purchased for use by Young-Chang, a Korean company, who continues to build Asian import pianos using the Weber name to this day. [2]
About Weber New York Pianos
In the 19th Century, Weber specialized in manufacturing top quality square and grand pianos, but as the turn-of-the-century approached and piano stylistic preferences were shifting, they began putting more emphasis on their upright and grand pianos to suit the public’s demand. With the rise in in-home piano playing within the elite spheres of influence, the uprights were a large segment of Weber’s demand.
His Majesty Alfonso XIII and His Holiness, Pope Pius X, used Weber as their personal purveyors and the Pope even commissioned pianos for the apostolic palaces. Weber pianos were awarded distinguished honors at the Philadelphia Centennial in 1876; at the American Exhibition in London, in 1887, and at the Paris Exposition in 1889. [2]
Restoring a Weber New York Piano
At Lindeblad, we see a wide range of Weber pianos - from the earliest and most rare to the beloved and more commonly-produced models. Regardless of your Weber’s condition or model, Lindeblad can help you determine the increase in value of your piano from restoration.
If you would like to restore one of these grand and special pianos, contact Lindeblad today!
[1] Pierce, W. Robert. Pierce Piano Atlas: Anniversary Edition, 2017 Our 70th Year. Albuquerque: Ashley, 2017. Print.