Open Positions at Lindeblad Piano

We don't currently have any open positions, but if you have experience related to our business, and are excited about working at Lindeblad Piano, we’d like to hear from you!

You can send us your cover letter and résumé by email to

Technician performing mechanical work on a piano. Working on a soundboard. Techincian workign on piano.

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within the United States

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Easy returns and lifetime trade


5 year soundboard | 20 year parts

National Network

of piano technicians

We offer a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Once your piano is delivered, we give you 30 days to play it and make sure everything is exactly as you wish. If not, simply let us know, and we will pick up the piano and give you a full refund. Additionally, when you buy a restored piano from Lindeblad you can, at any time in the future, exchange that piano for another of our pianos and apply the full price you paid to the exchange.